Mentorship Program

The Mentorship program connects youth, young women and others facing challenges that impact their personal growth, development and future prosperity to volunteer mentors. The mentors provide guidance, advice, and support them through their challenges. These will help foster strengths, confidence, healthy lifestyle, sense of belonging, and prosperity. Our volunteer mentors are matched with those that need mentors through one-on-one sessions or group mentoring sessions.


Need a Mentor?

We provide one-on-one and group mentoring sessions. If you need a mentor, please click the Mentee Application Form below to apply.

or call us: 074 713939

Become a Mentor

We provide mentorship opportunities to people who want to become a mentor. The mentorship program provides opportunity for mentors to make a difference in someone’s lives, broaden their horizon and experiences, practice their leadership skills and become role models. To become a mentor, please click Mentor Application Form to fill out the form.